Friday, July 8, 2011

And we're back...

Back on the road that is and we couldn't be happier.  The open road is where we are meant to be.
The events that lead up to us being back on the road fulltime was a whirlwind...the good kind, but whirlwind nonetheless.
Towards the end of May we went "camping" in the trailer and felt so at home, it was amazing.  Conversations about going back on the road had been going on since about January, so we decided we'd check into the option of going back on the road.  We knew it would end in one of two ways...we'd be asked to leave SOON or they would say they didn't have any openings on the road.  On  May 26th he asked, on May 27th we decided and were to be leaving 9 days later.  So in 9 days we packed up a house, put it in storage, made a few little changes to the trailer and pulled out of town.
Our travels are a bit different than they were previously...we are staying in areas for shorter periods of time.  So for the past month we've traveled all over Illinois and tomorrow we venture over into Iowa.
I have lots of blog catching up to do and its taking me a bit to get back into the grove of sitting and writing about our crazy life.  So hang and stories will be following in the weeks to come.  


  1. You guys are so funny! No more St. Louis? I am hunkering down hanging out long term -learning what roots feels like. Having a routine- things I've never done before. Whens the baby due? So excited to hear of your travels!

  2. Safe travels to all of you. Love Grandma Betty Lou

  3. Very fun. I am looking forward to reading.

  4. My grandfather is from Iowa. I so wish I could check it out. Post pics! Can't wait to see you in Cali! XXOOO

  5. Woo-hoo! Can't wait to read about your adventures!

  6. Wow, just noticed ya'll were heading back out on the road!! Gonna have to add you back to my "gypsy" blogroll!! How's that gonna work with a little one due next month?


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