Wednesday, March 23, 2011

12 Project ~ January 2011

Sledding on Art Hill, Forrest Park, St. Louis

January was our second full month in St. Louis.  We are getting routines and getting involved in various activities.  Téadora & Dillon are taking gymnastics at the YMCA, which they love.  Aidan and Coda have run of and joined the circus, no I'm not kidding.  They are taking class with Circus Harmony.  Their first day they did everything, even a routine on the trapeze.  We are all enjoying being involved in an outreach for school aged children.

Téadora turned 5 this month and we celebrated in one of the only ways possible in the 15 degree weather...Chuck E Cheese.  It had to have been the busiest day of the year, the children enjoyed it, Nick & I not so much.  I cannot believe she is 5!  She is writing her name, our names, letters, numbers...she is interested in reading and love to make lists ALL.THE.TIME!  And cutting, wow, can that girl cut up paper into the tiniest pieces ever.

Our house is feeling more like home.  I am amazed at how fast stuff accumulates when I'm not daily/weekly purging because lack of space.  We have no garage and no basement, which basically equals NO storage.  I love it.  We have to keep our storage totes to a minimum, only what will fit in the attic and hand me down clothes in the kids closets. 

There was quite a bit of ice and snow.  I think one week we were "stuck" home for 4 or 5 days.  Nick couldn't work for two days.  We were preparing for major power outages.  Except for inches and inches of ice that stuck around for what seemed forever we survived.  I would by lying if I said I wasn't already dreaming of Spring...I am!! 


  1. Glad to hear everyone is adjusting well to their new suroundings. Gymnastics and Circus sound like a lot of fun. Soon little Jericho will join them. Spring has arrived in Texas, purchased flowers for the pots and the trees are starting to leaf out. Not ready for summer! Hope you are feeling well. Love to all, Grandma blc

  2. Steph!!! I miss you and the kids. I love seeing pictures. Hope your pregnancy is going well.


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