Thursday, July 8, 2010

We're On The Cover

of the June Issue of Fulltime Families.  

Fulltime Families is the magazine for families living and dreaming of fulltime RV adventures.  The magazine is a a published digitally, perfect for us nomads.  For the time being they are offering free subscriptions, just head over to Fulltime Families and click on Subscriptions.  In May they announced on their Facebook fan page a contest to be on the cover of the June "Father's Day" issue.  I knew right away which photo I would submit.  It was our second day at the Grand Canyon, we had woken up early, gotten hot chocolate to warm up and were taking our final walk around the rim before heading back to Phoenix.  I love it when we (as parents) stop and see the world through the eyes of our children.

Fast forward a couple of weeks, I received this email from Kimberly (Editor of the Magazine), "Thank you for your submission to the June Cover Contest for Fulltime Families Magazine.  We feel your submission is the perfect combination of family camping and fathers' day and are pleased to announce you are the winners of the contest."  I hope that we weren't the only ones who entered :)  Either way, the children (the parents too) think it is absolutely wonderful that we are on the cover of a magazine.  

Make sure you check out Fulltime Families and subscribe to the magazine so you can see the whole June issue (and the April and May issues).  Don't forget to tell them we sent you! 


  1. That' awesome! That is a great pic!

  2. Great new site! I just found the Fulltime families website yesterday and saw that cover. That's so cool that its y'all. I've been following your blog for awhile now. How is your foot/ankle healing? Hope to meet up with you on the road someday.


  3. Thats so cool Steph. So glad you guys are doing cool things during your hard time (with the ankle ;)


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