Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The 12 Project ~ Month 5

May 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Seriously, no picture of the seven of us.  Not sure how that happened.  Oh wait, I do know how that happened.  Nick worked almost 80 hours a week for almost the entire month of May.  May was a busy month for us.  Nick and I both turned 28.  E came to visit.  Jericho turned one.  We went to the Downtown Market, became obsessed with Urban Cookie, went swimming almost everyday and started hooping.  When we wanted to escape the heat Aidan and Coda spent countless hours building with Legos, Téadora and Dillon built forts and played house and Jericho crawled around the trailer and put everything but food into his mouth.

Previous "The 12 Project" posts here.

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